How to make money with your own website!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lazy Way To Get Website Traffic.

Lazy Way To Get Website Traffic.
I have just found some brilliant software that generates traffic to your website, even while you are out or asleep!! I got it last week, have used it every day since and so far can't fault it - you just set it up and then every time you want to let it generate traffic you just click a button! I can't believe it - I had to spend hours a day before I had this, surfing for traffic - now I set this up and go surfing in the sea instead! Much more enjoyable! Click here and make your own mind up.
Website Traffic.

Footnote: (5 September).
Having now used this for a while, I want to add that this is a great way to get traffic, BUT the traffic is not very targeted, so bear that in mind - if you want targeted traffic, better to run google adwords ads or look at my posts about creating your own website - this is a way to get targeted free traffic long-term - but you need to put some work in first (the 'work' is really enjoyable though).

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